Saturday, February 23, 2008


We've had a busy, yet uneventful past few days. Amberlea is feeling much better, after laying on the hide-a-bed and watching a whole lot of Hannah and Zach and Cody! She was down for the count, and finally started perking up by midday yesterday. By this morning, she was ready to get out of the house, and took a shower and dressed up a little. She's going to spend the night at her dad's since she hasn't seen him for a few days.

Jacob is settled. It rocked his world at first, and he wasn't sure if he was going to stay. He was not prepared for the language barrier (the info he had led him to believe there was a lot of communication in English, which was not the case). He called me yesterday over his computer, via Skype, and it was great to hear from him.

Brian is doing ok. If you ask me, I think he's been a little down in the dumps for the past 3-4 days. He says he is tired too, and the spunk is not quite as it has been. Overall, he is feeling good. His back continues to seep, and his leg continues to heal.

We continue to be showered with delicious meals. I am so thankful for this, as it is so hard keeping up with our family and the house, along with Brian's needs...and getting dinner ready is usually the farthest thing from my mind. Thank you to so many for sharing your kitchen with us. Thank you to so many others who always step in to help are all keeping me sane!

Hope you all have a great weekend, full of blessings and memories.

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