Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed...Almost There!

Jacob just landed in Amsterdam at 9:19 p.m. our time (4:19 a.m. there). It may seem utterly extreme, maybe a little paranoid, or maybe insanely curious...but I've been tracking Jacob since he left Detroit. As my dad said, we won't rest well until he is safely in Austria, which won't be for several more hours. His plane seems to have arrived early, as it was scheduled into Amsterdam at 5:55 a.m....I guess when you travel 5000+ miles and you run 650-700 miles an hour, you can make up time easily!

Jacob will depart around midnight our time for Zurich, then land there around 1:35 a.m. At that point, he catches a train to some place like St. Margaretha (sp?), where the university staff will meet up with all the international students and get them the rest of the way to Dornbirn. He will be living in a flat with a dozen other international students, Jacob being the only student from the U.S. His housemates are from South Korea, Norway, 3 from Turkey, Mexico, Germany, 2 from the Netherlands, and 2 from Finland.

Did I ever mention that Jacob was born at the end of my 7th grade year? And him doing this makes me feel very old! He was in 3rd grade when I moved out of the house, and I'm not sure how he grew up so fast!

Now for everyone else...I am being a major germophobe right now. Amberlea has influenza, so we are all on Tamiflu. It hit her like a ton of bricks this morning. She is supposed to have her pool party this Saturday, and I'm thinking that through and deciding what to do about it tomorrow. We are all wearing masks, and Rachel is staying a few days at her dad's. She and Amberlea basically didn't see each other this morning since Rachel had chess club, so hopefully they stayed far enough apart to keep Rachel healthy. It appears that this influenza stuff is really going around like crazy.

Hope this finds you all healthy and happy,

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