Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Lord Heard Brian's Plea

Another very curious thing about faith is how up and down you can feel. At one moment, we feel abandoned, and at another moment, it feels as if the Lord has heard I cries and is trying to ease our pain.

There will be some changes today. The new air bed is on its way in the next 20 minutes, and I think this will make a huge difference. Brian's pain seems to be a little more manageable. I also did some emailing with Dr. Anderson (have I mentioned how much we are blessed to have him?)...he said he wanted to get some morphine gel to put on the actual bedsore, which is what we really have been wanting, but didn't think we could get it. Hospice is working on a pharmacy to make this compound, and hopefully that can be the next step to some relief.

I guess prayers get answered, just not always in the manner we want or expect, or at the level we want. My prayer last night was for the bedsore to be miraculously gone this morning, and I'll take what I can get!

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