I got out of the house today to go to the Chocolate Festival at the Presbyterian Church. The treats were very yummy, and it was nice to get out. Erin drug me out tonight for a drink and an appetizer at Applebee's. We had a nice visit, and our waiter came up and said that our ticket had been taken care of by someone who asked him not to tell us who it was. We looked all around and saw a few people we knew, but have no idea who paid the bill. It was a very nice surprise. I just shook my head and thought of how in the midst of all this pain and misery, we keep getting little blessings along the way. Don't let anyone ever tell you the world is evil. Goodness is all around us.
One of the home health nurses popped in tonight with some chicken enchiladas she had promised Brian. I had already started making homemade pizza, so we'll have them tomorrow for lunch. Brian's parents are both here. Tye is enjoying his "On the Farm Papa", and is conning his way into going home with them next week for a few days. We will have a family party for the girls' birthdays tomorrow night.
Oh...and for Brian! He's doing well. The morphine cream is making a huge difference. The bedsore looks somewhat better and is pinking up. Brian's leg seems to be improving some. The odor is not as noticeable, and there is barely any drainage. It is still very painful to pack, but he's a real trooper. He got a haircut and a shave on Friday, and is looking a lot like himself.
I was thinking when the weekend was starting that it might be odd, not having football on after so many weeks (even though I love football). The Daytona 500 is on next weekend, so I knew that would start the next round of weekend t.v. events. But guy t.v. doesn't work like that! This weekend was the Bud Shootout, and it was time to start the NASCAR routine already!
We ask for your continued prayers for Brian, Kathy, Ethan, and so many others. We ask for special prayers tonight for Frank, a fellow melanoma warrior, diagnosed 8 months ago, who entered hospice last week in hopes of having some quality time with his wife and 11 year-old twin daughters. The pain of this disease cuts deep.
Many blessings to you all,
1 comment:
Michael and I think that you need to be a writer instead of a teacher. There are so many people who can't write about their feelings and you are blessed with the ability to do it and have people want to read it. Maybe one day you can make a wonderful book about the love that you and Brian have shared!
Also we cracked up when we read your story about it only raining on you. I LOVE the Eeyore picture. It fit your story perfectly!
We're still praying for you guys,
Michael and Jamie Casteel
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