Friday, February 29, 2008

Good Week

What started as a concerning day on Monday has turned into a relatively good week for Brian. He felt back to normal on Tuesday, and as the week has gone on, seems to be a little above normal! He has been cutting up over the past few days, and Denise and I have shared some good laughs with him. It has been a blessing to see the old Brian personality shining through!

Denise arrived on Tuesday night, which was good timing, since I was running around like crazy for the past few days. It is amazing what all you can think of that you need to do away from home when you are unable to leave home. I've been able to run kids and take care of some things at school, see ballgames and catch a First Communion meeting for Amberlea. I have not been sleeping this week, literally...3 nights in a row I finally fell asleep when I just crashed, one night at 4:30, one at 3:30, and one at 4. The nights are the hardest for me, in the quiet, away from Brian, hearing him mind and heart just wander too far. This made for total exhaustion, considering our days start at 6:30 a.m. The days have been so busy this week that I haven't been able to catch up, and I slept for about 3 hours yesterday during the day. I felt a lot better, and dozed off by a little after midnight last night.

Brian had a great workout yesterday with his physical therapist. I think that Brian surprised himself with how well he was able to move his legs (not great, but better than it has been). His wounds continue to heal, and we haven't seen hardly any tremor activity this week.

Here's praying for a great weekend for our family and yours,

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