Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just One More Reason Why You Should Send Your Kid to a Catholic School

I received the most adorable letter from Amberlea. They wrote letters to their parents during Catholic Schools Week last week. As most of you know, I also teach at her school. Enjoy...

Dear Mom,
Thanks for having me at St. Gregory's!
I love this school!
I like this school because it has church, and it has good teachers like Mrs. Buck (and you too Mom).
This is good for me because some schools have where if a student is disrespectful the teachers smack them!
I love you!

So there you have it. I expect enrollment to quadruple when word gets out about all those other schools!

And all you friends who teach elsewhere, I DID correct her! She was pretty surprised to find out that basically no teachers smack their students!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jenni, My name is Melissa. I am a widow with three children. My friend, Darren Isherwood, forwarded your wonderful encouraging words to me. If it would be helpful to talk with another widow then please email me at melannrn@myfairpoint.net. We are in His hands and we will continue to move forward! Grief is the ungly green monster under our bed and we never know which day he will reach his slimy hand out and grab our ankle to topple us flat on our faces. I call those days "the pit"....but God allows us to go there so the only place we can look is up....directly toward Him. Stay strong! Thanks for being an encouragment to others! Melissa (Mother of Annie Grace, Eli and Noah and loving wife of Scott Hill 3/6/68-6/9/06)

Anonymous said...

I loved her note as well. I thought it was so sweet, with such an original ending. We were talking about something that day with schools in the old days, and a student brought that up. It must have really had an impact on her!
I'm glad you enjoyed the note. I'm also glad you set her straight.
And please reassure her that I promise to never smack her!!!