Monday, February 16, 2009

3 Birthdays Down

Well, today finished our trek through birthday land! Amberlea did well, having to wait 2 weeks past her siblings, who celebrated theirs on Feb. 2 and 4. She once again enjoyed having the day off from school for her bday (it has always fallen over Presidents' Day weekend and we always have the day off on Friday also), but realized today that Feb. 16, 2010 will fall on a Tuesday. She is praying for snow that day!

Tye spent the lunch hour at our sitters so that the girls and I could have some time together. We went to A & G, mostly because Amberlea knew I would let her get a special drink, and because she wanted their smileys (happy face fries).

Enjoy the pictures...
Being silly

Double-checking with me that Rachel is NOT right about her still being 8 since she wasn't born until 9:46 p.m. Yes, Amberlea dear, you are 9 now!

Two beautiful daughters

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Not exactly sure what the expressions are. We were going to take some silly pictures, and Rachel was practicing the look she has made famous! I hope her face doesn't freeze like that.

Amberlea's response when she realized that Rachel would be driving in only 4 more years!
Rachel's reaction when she found out I drove a yellow ford escort wagon for my first car, and that I didn't even get that when I turned 16.

A bit embarrassed when the waitresses came out to sing...

But worth the embarrassment!

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