Friday, February 15, 2008

Oatmeal, a Fish Sandwich, and a Fruit Roll-up

Brian's appetite has been decent today. He is eating all of the fruit roll-ups I got from my students for Valentine's Day. He started the morning asking for a double batch of oatmeal, and has been going strong all day. He thought a fish sandwich sounded good for lunch, and he's snacked on some chocolate too.

He was very sleepy all evening last night, but not as sleepy as I expected. He slept well all night...I did not. I was so freaked out by the seizure, and I think I just was on auto pilot to take care of him and his needs, that when it was quiet and I closed my eyes, the image of him seizing stayed for quite a while.

The nurses were surprised to see him awake this morning, and he's been awake all day. It has been a normal day, as normal as they come. He had his usual change in the leg packing, checking the bed sore (looking good) and seeing about this leaking fluid. Again, he was soaked. Dr. Wilmes (hospice doctor) and the nurse from this morning came to check on him this afternoon and discuss this fluid issue. We greatly appreciated him taking the time to sit down with us to weigh the options and discuss the benefit/lack of benefit of pursuing what this fluid is. Brian and I trust their expert opinions, meaning the pain doctor who inserted the pump, Dr. Anderson, and Dr. Wilmes; and they feel it to be a non-issue at this point. We agree with them, mostly because they all know what they are talking about or who to talk to to find out, and also because Brian has no symptoms. Dr. Wilmes is going to do some checking tonight to find out how long we can expect this to possibly leak. Other than that, we are just going to continue to keep the area clean and hope Brian doesn't develop an infection (he's on 2 antibiotics right now).

I've enjoyed the day with him, although it has been busy. Fr. Martin visited this afternoon, as well. I wasn't expecting him to be awake, so it was a nice blessing for the day.

We're hoping for a quiet evening. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, as always.


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