By Sunday, Brian had overstayed his welcome at University Hospital. He spent some time on the computer, ironing out details of his fantasy football team, while watching football, football, and some more football on t.v. By this time, he was finally starting to look like my Brian again!

Brian spent so much time in the hospital, that his hair on his head started growing back! Several nurses even commented on the growth, as it was quite a noticeable change as the days passed! The girls and I had teased him that we wondered if it would come back in red and curly, but it appears that didn't happen. It does look kind of soft and long, but we'll see once it thickens up. His facial hair had a lot more white in it than before, but it is finally showing dark and a little red!

Every year for the last several years on the day before Thanksgiving, we have taken Rachel and Amberlea bowling after getting out of school at noon (we were out the whole day this year). This was Tye's year to get to start going. Unfortunately, Daddy is hunkered down at home, and I was feeling pretty down about this. I find that to be one of the biggest struggles I have, outside of his actual health...the change in lifestyle, the change in family times, the things we always took for granted that we don't have now. It has been the girls and Tye and me a lot lately, with no Brian. I won't ever be prepared for what my future might hold, none of us are. But I do know what it feels like already to not have him around always, and it sucks. So I decided to do something different and invite my sisters to join our tradition. Karis and Zeke picked up Tori and met us at the bowling alley (maybe Don can join us next year). Have you ever been bowling with three kids this age? It was life-changing! Rachel and Amberlea were great sports in being very patient. The lady working was very kind to go get Tori's ball several times when she didn't give it enough oomph to get down the lane. This was Tye and Zeke's first time to bowl, although Tye has bowled many times on the Wii! It was a great time, and I look forward to many more years of sharing our kids on this day.

We could have used this for our annual Christmas card pictures, but we opted not to attempt to add the 2 year-old to the mix of bowling with two 4 year-olds, and one 3 year-old, so we'll have to wait on that picture since Don was missing!
As for Brian...pain level is good, vanc is doing the trick because he perks up more each day. He's pretty down on himself right now, with having a hospital bed and all, and I can't say that I blame him. Physical therapy has gone well today and yesterday, but he is really struggling with the fact that he can't walk, not even close. I keep telling him it will take small steps to get there, but he knows the road ahead will be long, and could be very difficult. He has been cleared for his next treatment (as of right now), which will be Dec. 3rd, barring any other interruptions. We hope to enjoy a quiet 10 days or so at home before having to return to Columbia.
We continue to be blessed by the kindness and generosity of so many. Upon receipt of my most recent paycheck, I was that much more grateful that I don't have to worry about finances right now, and can just take care of my family. I ran to the store tonight for a few things, and a friend walked up and gave me a $100 bill to use for the kids for Christmas. I find myself at a loss of words (yes, it does happen with me)...being on the receiving end of so much love and support, so much thoughtfulness and kindness, so many selfless acts...it is so humbling. It doesn't take much for me to understand why there is suffering in the world, as it brings out the best in people; albeit, I'll never understand why Brian is the one (none of us wants to be the one).
I've been listening to the Brooks and Dunn song, God Must Be Busy. I cry hysterically every time I hear it. It feel so much like God isn't listening, or He has too many other important things to take care of. I heard it again twice on my solo drive home from Columbia, and I cried both times. But I did come to realize it is not my theme song. Although it hits home about wondering why these things happen, like a kidnapped child, or fighting in the Middle East, or a 35 year old husband and father with melanoma, I wonder about the chorus...
And I know in the big picture
I'm just a speck of sand
and God's got better things to do
than look out for one man.
I know he's heard my prayers
cause he hears everything,
he just ain't answered back
or he'd bring you back to me
God must be busy.
...actually does sort of sound like my theme song. But in all faithfulness, I know better. I know that we are numbered like the stars, that we are each a unique child of God. I know that God watches over Brian, and I know he's heard the millions of prayers said on Brian's behalf. I know that there is a plan, and the reward for being faithful followers is greater than anything in this life. I know He's not too busy.
What I don't know is why He hasn't shown his hand, why He hasn't spared Brian and our family from this misery, from this threat, from this pain. And that, my friends, is something I may never understand. But I can guarantee you, I'll stand in line to ask the Great Physician myself someday when all my questions are answered.
Love to you all,
I have been thinking about Brian and you, of course, a lot. I am leaving town for a few weeks and have not been on MPIP (too hard right now), but wanted you to know that I am praying for you guys. Tough road, I know, but keep fighting and staying strong. Have a great Thanksgiving.
P.S. Reading that Brian was watching football and more football made me think of Mike and it made me smile.
Liz (Wife of Angel Mike)
Happy Thanksgiving, to all of you.
Keep fighting the fight, Brian.
Believe in miracles...they happen!
Glad to see the pics of Brian, he looks great! It looks like the kids had fun bowling. I have quite the story for you about Tye (he got to sit with me at mass on Tuesday) too long to type here so I will email you or tell you when I see you next. That song, I have heard it and thought of you many times. It makes me cry too! Keep the faith and know that we are praying. Here's to having a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!
I have been thinking of you and Brian today. I hope that ya'll have had a good Thanksgiving. Tell Brian to keep fighting just like Keith. We will get our husbands though this awful MM. Glad he was able to enjoy football and the kids today and that he is home.
Suzan (wife of Keith, Stage IV)
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