Thursday, November 15, 2007

CT Results

I barely got the last post published when Dr. Gill came in to tell us the results of this morning's CT scan. They don't feel it is draining properly. The drain is getting one area, but there is another abcess nearby that isn't draining. He is still running fevers, and they feel the bacteria is still in his system and his blood cultures are still testing positive. They are putting him on NPO again tonight, and will likely lance the leg in the operating room tomorrow (10 min. procedure). That will probably delay his dismissal to Saturday or Sunday. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

J and B...

Ugh...your journey is so long. I'd love to bring the kids down on Saturday if you'd like. We have absolutely nothing at all going on this weekend. I think a road trip with the Auffert girls and 100 rounds of 'Farmer in the Dell' with Tye would be a hoot!!!
Think about it.
Jill and the Baker Crew

gastler said...

Keep hanging in there. We are saying lots of prayers for all of you. I will be sure to give Tye a big hug tomorrow at school when I see him!
Amy G

Anonymous said...

Brian & Jenni,

You have touched so many lives -- I am amazed at your stat counter, which will certainly show over 10,000 hits by Nov. 24, two months after you installed it. 10,000 hits! Sure, I log in daily, so you have to take 60 off for me. But even a whole pack of regulars can't detract from those many thousands of visitors!

Prayers always,