Monday, November 19, 2007

Ambulance Chaser

Today was the second time I've chased an ambulance on the road between Maryville and Columbia. I didn't have a chance with the air ambulance back in March, but I was able to finally catch up with this one just as it was pulling into town! This ride was a lot less stressful, and nice not to be at 1:00 in the morning!

The ride for Brian was nice, and he did arrive at home and into the hospital bed in the same condition as when he left. The ambulance crew was very nice, and we directed them to Pagliai's for lunch! Brian has been resting comfortably, and could probably make for a great commercial for TiVo and how much he missed it in the past 10 days! His pain is at a manageable level, and his wound looked great tonight. The gash is 8cm long x 2cm wide x 4cm deep.

The home health nurse came tonight to train me on the antibiotics, and things went well, despite the chaos of Tye being attached to my leg. He is having a real struggle and won't let me out of his sight. He is fine as long as he doesn't notice. I can't say that I blame him, the way we just up and left him. The girls have a hard time, but luckily have their dad and Abby to give that parental care, and we can talk to them and explain things. Tye, on the other hand, is just here trying to figure out what is going on.

Brian's appetite has returned, and he is making up for lost time. I told him I was going to stretch out his stomach to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner! So far, so good!

Physical therapy will start tomorrow with an in-home therapist. We hope to get Brian's legs strong, so he can get out again soon. Until then, we're making ourselves comfy.

Thank you for your prayers, especially in the last 11 days. I was so scared last Friday, and all I could do was turn to you for your prayers that have sustained us through this awful battle. Know that we are praying for you too.

I'm hoping for a quiet day tomorrow. I have a lot of bills to catch up on, and I'll be busy taking care of Brian and getting settled back in. Home health will come again tomorrow morning, and we hope to get in a routine quickly. I'm also preparing for Thanksgiving dinner on Friday (with lots of help from family), and maybe for putting up the tree on Thursday night, depending on how brave (ie. crazy) I am!

Tonight, I am thankful for more time at home with Brian and our family, for each day, and each moment.



Anonymous said...


We're sooo glad that you are back home. Enjoy your time together at the house! GOOD LUCK with the Christmas decorating!! :)

If you need anything just let us know!
Mike and Jamie

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you're back home and that Brian is comfy once again. It will be nice to get back into a more normal routine again too. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Everything is coming together for a lovely Thanksgiving celebration for your family! Many prayers and hugs headed your way with love, KT