Sunday, October 4, 2009

Prayers for Another Rachael

Please take time to pray for little Rachel, 3rd grader recently diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma.

Rachael's blog

Take the time to see her description of how this all started this summer. It is an all-to-common story that could happen to your daughter... How it all started

Please take the time to check your child's skin...freckles, moles, other spots. It could save their life!

1 comment:

Love_Monkey said...

Jenni, I have read most of your blog... haven't gotten all of it yet but I will. I don't even know what to say except I am so sorry. Brian reminds me a lot of Tom and your love for each other matches that of my marriage and I am absolutely devastated for you.

Thank you for highlighting Rachael on your blog and I truly wish I could hold you tight and take away your pain.

Love and Blessings.
