Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stupid Show and Stupid Tears (Spoiler Alert)

I am totally ticked off.

Brian and I were obsessed with Prison Break. We didn't miss an episode. We TiVo'ed all the episodes and we would look forward to time after the kids went to bed to watch it. In the several months that Brian was really sick, we got out of the groove of watching. There was kind of a lull in the show and we just kept not finding time. We had mostly caught up. Then when he died, I didn't watch for a while. In the fall, I started watching it again. I even had a few times I had to stop watching because I found it to be so suspenseful that I would want to tell Brian how it turned out.

Which brings me to a different subject for a second...24 is getting ready to have its finale. Brian loved 24...I even rented all of them so he could catch up. I wanted to watch with him, but he couldn't wait, so I got out of the loop if I wasn't home with him. I remember the day they came on, talking about upcoming episodes. Sutherland had been in jail and they were on hold. Brian was saying shush and turned the t.v. up so he could hear. Then the announcer said new episodes would be out in January 2009. All the blood drained out of his face. I was speechless. He just looked at me and said...I'll never know how this turns out. It was an awful day, something so stupid, yet so profound, to know he wouldn't live to see the finale.

So back to Prison Break. I have watched. I knew the end show was saved, and I watched it tonight (even though I had a million things to do). I knew they were going to have a few minutes at the end to show where the characters ended up like 4 years later. But I didn't see it coming.

Michael is dead. He and Sarah just got the chance to be together. While they were hugging and had just been cleared of all that Prison Break was about, his nose started bleeding again. He had a brain condition, I believe it is hypothalamic hamartoma...in any case, it is a brain tumor of sorts, a genetic condition which is of great concern. I thought the surgery he had a few episodes back would take care of it.

But in an instant, Sarah smiled at him and I was thinking to myself how happy Brian and I were, and then his nose started to bleed. She hugged him and had a look of horror on her face, like she knew what his future held. Fast forward 4 years, and they are visiting his grave.

I was filled with a rush of emotions. I know it is just a stupid show, but I'm a sucker for things like that, and it was a bit too close to home. It almost seemed as if they had the chance to finally be happy and love life, and had it ripped away from them.

So I shed some stupid tears for Michael, and some much needed tears for my own love that is lost...the pain never ends.

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