I am worn out. And this time it is from Mr. Tye! He has been a bit mischievious lately, to say the least.
He has decided he wants to buy a cow, a real one. He got all of his money out of his piggy bank (about $10 in bills and change) and asked me to take him to Walmart. The poor child can't stop thinking about the farm. He is counting down until his On the Farm Papa comes to get him on Thursday.
The other day he snipped a cut in the knee of his Transformer "jammas" with a pair of medical scissors (I inadvertantly left on the table). I'm just happy it wasn't his hair!
Last night was crazy, with the home health nurse checking on Brian, and Amberlea wanting to play the guitar, and Tye needing a bath. Rachel ran his bathwater and almost overflowed the tub because she forgot the water was running. She sat with him while he played and I finished with the nurse, then I went in to give him a fast wash. He greeted me with a gift that only the orneriest of the ornery could leave in the tub, if you know what I mean. I was hot to trot! He was in shock that I didn't think it was funny. So I spent the evening scrubbing the tub with Clorox and giving him a shower.
Then came tonight. He had to do his Valentines for his party at school tomorrow. I wrote out 20 cards from Tye and added starburst candies. He wanted to give one to Josie and Cailyn too, so I wrote them out for him. I told him not to put them in the bag with the ones for school so they wouldn't get mixed up. He said he would put them in his room. He went about, playing back and forth in his room and the living room.
Then he came out and I asked where the Valentines were for Josie and Cailyn. Outside. Whatever, go get them. He still continued to play, then came and got a chair to get something out of the linen closet.
What do you need? A flashlight. Hmm? Why? Their Valentines are outside. (I'm still not on board). Then he went and opened the door and tried to go outside. By then, we were all thinking, ok, what is up? He started putting his gloves and hat and shoes on, and then we thought he was getting serious. I looked out on the front step, thinking that he threw them out the door....nope. I shined the flashlight around...still nothing. By now, he is fully clothed for the great outdoors, and he is headed out. I told Rachel to go out through the garage and see what she could see. I ran upstairs to Amberlea freaking out because his window was wide open and the screen was pushed out slightly. It all starting coming together at the same time. About the time I reached for the window, Rachel got outside and grabbed the two little Valentines from the snow beneath Tye's window. Needless to say, Tye's window is now locked. I am thrilled about this.
Then he took all of Rachel's Valentines apart and started opening all the pixi sticks and eating them.
He's on a roll. He is making trips around the island right now on his tractor, only in his undies. I better intervene...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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I know how you feel. The other night I swear Zeke just looked for things to do to get in trouble. He finally ended up having to sit on the couch, no tv, no toys and that really bugged him. I guess it's a nice distraction and Brian probably gets a little laugh out of it. Hugs, K
Sometimes we just need to have these sorts of things in our lives. Maybe God's little comic relief. You should write these down to relay later at the right time in Tye's life if you know what I mean. We had campfires under the bunk beds, holes in the walls where the boys were searching for gold my father told them was in the house?
I know at the time it is happening, it is not so funny but good to look back on to see how you survived!!! Love Glenys
Hey Jenni,
This is the first time to get to read your blogs. I think your entire family is so brave and strong. I continue to pray for you all. I know how you feel with the crazy stunts kids like to pull. I think they like to test us to see how far they can go before we snap. I have always admired your family for having such a strong faith. Keep it up. I know your Mom is smiling down on you for being such a good wife and Mother. Remember if you ever need anything (and I am not just saying that)you know where to find me I work all the time. Love Emily Sunderman
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