Christmas decorations adorned the church, with it still being the Christmas season. It seemed only fitting for us to be starting our lives together, in the midst of celebrating Christ's birth.

The reception was at the Eagle's, decorated with red and lots and lots of snowflakes (thanks Jamie and Denise). Each snowfall reminds me of this special night.

Rachel was in kindergarten, shortly before her 6th birthday, and Amberlea is about six weeks shy of her 3rd birthday. Wow, how they have changed!

Crazy Brian, always can make me laugh! I look at this picture and see how happy I was. I can actually say that I still feel just as wonderful, and that melanoma hasn't taken that away. But maybe that is what makes this all that much harder, knowing that melanoma can't take away our feelings or our memories, but it can take away our future.

Yes, it is another kiss! And it is proof that I am taller than him, although he would argue that I had a small heel on! I included this picture to give you a better shot of the snowflakes. They were white foam die cuts, with lots of glitter (thanks again Denise and Jamie), and they were hung across the entire ceiling.

Today was spent just being together. It was not nearly as hectic as yesterday. Tye stayed home with a fever, so I took him to the doctor and skipped the massage. Now that is on my list for tomorrow to reschedule. Tye tested negative for strep, but they are treating him with antibiotics anyway. His fever was 102.6 around 8pm, so I gave motrin...and 30 minutes later it was 103.4. I was feeling a little (ok, a lot) of stress, considering his seizure back in late October when he spiked a fever. We got him some cool cloths, and into a tepid bath, and he was feeling better soon. Temp was normal by the time he fell asleep.
Denise took the kids to Pagliai's tonight, and Brian wanted to order a steak from A&G to celebrate our anniversary. We cuddled and ate dinner, and then played the new Hot Wheels Wii game. It was a lot of fun, at least for the time that Brian could stay away. He is very sleepy lately.
We will head to St. Joe in the morning for the epidural. Please say special prayers, as Brian's pain in his hip seems to have intensified, and any little thing is a huge thing. I kept telling him all day that it would just be 24 more hours until we got this taken care of. He is past ready for something to happen to make this pain go away, so we can only hope it all works as planned. I'll update you after we get home tomorrow.
Tonight I will leave you with something heavy to think about, your own life and relationships to ponder...please promise me you will take time to check this out and really listen to the words.
If Tomorrow Never Comes
One thing cancer has given us in our marriage...we know how we feel about each other, and how much we love each other...we take every chance to show each other...since tomorrow may not come.
I check your website on regular basis as well as the MPIP posts. I am very sad to hear the late news, and pray for Brian, you and your family. Your wedding pictures are so beautiful. I admire your strength and wish you a lot of happy moments together.
This was a beautiful day filled with wonderful memories for each and everyone one of us. The firls have grown up so much and changed. Love today and always, the other Halley's
Todd, Jamie, and Trace
Congratulations on your anniversary! I watched the video and it was beautiful. Ya'll made a beautiful couple.
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